
We rely on the generosity of our supporters to continue our work in fighting hunger and food waste. Your donations help us rescue excess food, distribute nutritious meals to those in need, and create a more just and sustainable food system.
Here are a few ways you can donate to support our work:

One-time Donation – Your one-time donation can make a big difference in the lives of those experiencing food insecurity. 

Monthly Recurring Donation – As a monthly recurring donor, you can make an even greater impact in the lives of those who are struggling with food insecurity. In addition to helping our organization continue its mission, as a thank you, you will also receive tiered incentives based on your contribution. As a monthly donor, you’ll also be preparing your own family for an emergency while supporting those in need.

In-Kind Donations – In addition to financial donations, we also accept in-kind donations of food, supplies, and other resources. Please Contact Us to learn more about what we’re currently in need of and how to donate.

As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, your contributions are tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law and helps us make a difference in the lives of those in need. Thank you for your support.